Деловой бизнес портал


- Cold Winters Caused by Warmer Summers, Research Suggests
- Some Orbits More Popular Than Others in Planetary Systems
- 'Look at That!' Ravens Gesture With Their Beaks to Point out Objects to Each Other
- Tortoise Species Thought to Be Extinct Still Lives, Genetic Analysis Reveals
- Whiff of 'Love Hormone' Helps Monkeys Show a Little Kindness
- Solving the Mysteries of Short-Legged Neandertals
- Lutetia: A Rare Survivor from the Birth of Earth
- 'Matrix'-Style Effortless Learning? Vision Scientists Demonstrate Innovative Learning Method
- Deepest Terrestrial Arthropod Ever Found
- Six to Nine-Month-Olds Understand the Meaning of Many Spoken Words
- NASA Mars Rover Finds Mineral Vein Deposited by Water
- Planck All-Sky Images Show Cold Gas and Strange Haze in Milky Way Galaxy
- How the Zebra Got Its Stripes
- Jumping Droplets Take a Lot of Heat, as Long as It Comes in a Cool Way
- 'Fishy Lawnmowers' Help Save Pacific Corals
- Some Bacteria Attack Using Spring-Loaded Poison Daggers
- Human, Artificial Intelligence Join Forces to Pinpoint Fossil Locations
- Drop in Carbon Dioxide Levels Led to Polar Ice Sheet, Study Finds
- Why Some Animals Live Longer Than Others
- Ancient Lunar Dynamo May Explain Magnetized Moon Rocks
- Patterns of New DNA Letter in Brain Suggest Distinct Function
- Jupiter Helps Halley’s Comet Give Us More Spectacular Meteor Displays
- Some Mammals Used Highly Complex Teeth to Compete With Dinosaurs
- Fruit Flies Use Alcohol as a Drug to Kill Parasites
- Skin Cells Turned Into Neural Precusors, Bypassing Stem-Cell Stage
- Is Fructose Being Blamed Unfairly for Obesity Epidemic?
- Icarus Experiment Measures Neutrino Speed: Even Neutrinos Are Not Faster Than Light
- Ionized Plasmas as Cheap Sterilizers for Developing World
- Ancient Fossil Remains Reveal Velociraptor's Last Meal
- Magnetic Fields Set Stage for Birth of New Stars
- Astronomers Discover Complex Organic Matter Exists Throughout the Universe
- Artificial 'Womb' Unlocks Secrets of Early Embryo Development
- Brain Imaging Study Finds Evidence of Basis for Caregiving Impulse
- Plant-Eating Dinosaur Discovered in Antarctica
- Greenland Ice Sheet May Melt Completely With 1.6 Degrees of Global Warming
- Sensing Self and Non-Self: New Research Into Immune Tolerance
- Hippocampus Plays Bigger Memory Role Than Previously Thought
- Carbon Dioxide Is 'Driving Fish Crazy'
- Scientists Create First Free-Standing 3-D Cloak
- Why Spring Is Blooming Marvelous: Switch That Accelerates Flowering Time Discovered
- Targeting Bacterial Gas Defenses Allow for Increased Efficacy of Numerous Antibiotics
- Touching a Nerve: How Every Hair in Skin Feels Touch and How It All Gets to the Brain
- Earthquake Friction Effect Demonstrated at the Nanoscale
- Less Summer Arctic Sea Ice Cover Means Colder, Snowier Winters in Central Europe
- 'Storm of the Century' May Become 'Storm of the Decade'
- Giant Planet Ejected from the Solar System?
- Acquired Traits Can Be Inherited Via Small RNAs
- 'Junk DNA' Defines Differences Between Humans and Chimps
- Heart Beats to the Rhythm of a Circadian Clock
- Glaciers: A Window Into Human Impact On the Global Carbon Cycle
- Studying Bat Skulls, Evolutionary Biologists Discover How Species Evolve
- Diabetes May Start in the Intestines, Research Suggests
- Nasty People in the Media Prime the Brain for Aggression
- Offsetting Global Warming: Molecule in Earth's Atmosphere Could 'Cool the Planet'
- Wave Character of Individual Molecules Revealed
- Physicists Find Patterns in New State of Matter
- Mars Express Radar Yields Strong Evidence of Ocean That Once Covered Part of Red Planet
- NASA, Japan Release Improved Topographic Map of Earth
- New Brain Connections Form in Clusters During Learning
- Mercury's Surprising Core and Landscape Curiosities
- Whole New Meaning for Thinking On Your Feet: Brains of Small Spiders Overflow Into Legs
- Genetic Information Migrates from Plant to Plant
- New Defense Mechanism Against Viruses and Cancer Identified
- Climate Shift Could Leave Some Marine Species Homeless
- Get Me out of This Slump: Visual Illusions Improve Sports Performance
- Umbilical Cord Stem Cells Converted Into Brain Support Cells
- Human Skull Is Highly Integrated: Study Sheds New Light On Evolutionary Changes
- Some People Can Hallucinate Colors at Will
- DNA Traces Cattle Back to a Small Herd Domesticated Around 10,500 Years Ago
- Meteorites Reveal Another Way to Make Life's Components
- Physicists Chip Away at Mystery of Antimatter Imbalance
- More Flexible Window Into the Brain
- Evolution of Complexity Recreated Using 'Molecular Time Travel'
- Asteroid Lutetia: Primitive Body from Solar System's Planet-Forming Period
- World's Lightest Material Is a Metal 100 Times Lighter Than Styrofoam
- Lab Mimics Jupiter's Trojan Asteroids Inside a Single Atom
- Prehistoric Greenhouse Data from Ocean Floor Could Predict Earth's Future, Study Finds
- Teaching Fat Cells to Burn Calories: New Target Against Obesity Involves Brown Fat
- Archaeologists Find Blade 'Production Lines' Existed as Much as 400,000 Years Ago
- Tropical Sea Temperatures Influence Melting in Antarctica
- Disappearing and Reappearing Superconductivity Surprises Scientists
- Engineers Weld Nanowires With Light
- Abrupt Permafrost Thaw Increases Climate Threat, Experts Say
- Global Carbon Emissions Reach Record 10 Billion Tons, Threatening 2 Degree Target
- Predators Drive the Evolution of Poison Dart Frogs' Skin Patterns
- Organics Probably Formed Easily in Early Solar System
- Almost Perfect: Researcher Nears Creation of Superlens
- New Layer of Genetic Information Helps Determine How Fast Proteins Are Produced
- Tailored Optical Material from DNA: Light-Modifying Nanoparticles
- Most Detailed Infrared Image of the Carina Nebula Ever
- Nanotube Technology Leading to New Era of Fast, Lower-Cost Medical Diagnostics
- Most Recent European Great Ape Discovered
- Geothermal Mapping Report Confirms Vast Coast-To-Coast Clean Energy Source in U.S.
- New Material to Remove Radioactive Gas from Spent Nuclear Fuel
- Signs of Thawing Permafrost Revealed from Space
- Global Winds Could Explain Record Rains, Tornadoes
- Fukushima at Increased Earthquake Risk, Scientists Report
- Earthquakes Generate Big Heat in Super-Small Areas
- Scientists Find Microbes in Lava Tube Living in Conditions Like Those On Mars
- Floor of Oldest Fossilized Forest Discovered: 385 Million Years Old

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События в мире

Тем 1 страница 15 из 15

Тема Ответов Просмотров Последнее сообщение
0 25 2013-07-07 17:18:29  Михаил
0 6 2013-07-07 17:18:06  Михаил
0 4 2013-07-07 17:17:41  Михаил
0 10 2013-07-07 17:17:21  Михаил
0 4 2013-07-07 17:16:24  Михаил
0 4 2013-07-07 17:16:05  Михаил
0 4 2013-07-07 17:15:11  Михаил
0 3 2013-07-07 17:14:52  Михаил
0 3 2013-07-07 17:14:37  Михаил
0 5 2013-07-07 17:14:22  Михаил
0 14 2013-07-07 17:13:31  Михаил
0 5 2013-07-07 17:13:11  Михаил
0 4 2013-07-07 17:12:41  Михаил
0 4 2013-07-07 17:12:22  Михаил
0 5 2013-07-07 17:12:07  Михаил

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